Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ten Truths to Tell Her

Ten truths to tell her


Hosea 2; 2b

Tell her to remove the prostitute’s makeup from her face and the clothing that exposes her breast.

Remove>do away.mortify.shun.disrespect.embarass.

Prostitute’s makeup>dirty habits.thrashy ideas. Filthy talks unclean feelings. Foolish actions.thoughthless behaviors.



1 chronicles 7:24

He had a daughter named sheera.she built the towns of lower and upper Beth horaon Uzzen-sheerah.

3 a daughter

a daughter is not a son.

A daughter is a girl.

What are you building? Mopping? Complaining? Crying?

Sheerah lived thousands of years ago.

She built towns not whore houses.

She wasn’t found gossiping around the community

She wasn’t found sleeping with all the guys in the office.

She wasn’t found flipping through glossy magazines and wishing nonsense.

She wasn’t a liability.

She built not destroyed

You still don’t know what to build?

Build your life



Psalms 23:5

You serve me a six course dinner right in front of my enemies.

A six course dinner?

Abundant.overwhelming.unfinishable.extaorinary.will-not-end.unfrgettable meal.

In front.

They are aware.

They can see, feel and even smell this blessing.

Not in their absence.

They are very there.



The conclusion of the matter is don’t worry about your enemies,

Enjoy the meal!


Proverbs 31:27a

She carefully watches…NLT

She keeps an eye on everyone…The Message

She looks well to how things go…Amplified

Be a big time observer.

Retire from being a parrot.

Stop to chatter

Use your eyes.

Reduce your tongue’s function.

We know you know how to talk.

Don’t just talk

Observe quietly

Take in details

Details reveal secrets

Secrets are keys to what you want.


Gen 19:11

Abraham and Sarah were old by this time, very old. Sarah was far past the age for having babies. Sarah laughed within herself, "An old woman like me? Get pregnant? With this old man of a husband?"

Its possible to laugh at yourself in hopelessness.

It’s possible to logically and scientifically come to a conclusion of no solution.

It’s also possible for that thing to happen easily.

Don’t worry about the hows? Whens? Whys? Whats? And where’s?

It’s possible! It can!


Ex 2:7

Then his sister was before her: "Do you want me to go and get a nursing mother from the Hebrews so she can nurse the baby for you?

Even in the enemy’s camp you have the ability to negotiate. an open mouth is an open door. Negotiate anything with anybody even if it’s your enemy.

An enemy is a challenge

Every challenge is negotiable.

The challenge could be a sickness, mentality, bad habit…

It’s all negotiable


John 8:4, 7

‘Teacher’, they said to Jesus…

They kept demanding an answer.

Be careful how you judge?

Be wary of how you measure out

Be watchful of what you dish out.

The table could turn around, you could become the culprit.

And you are going to be really embarrassed.

If you are going to be a whistle blower

Check yourself; sweep your house, air your damp clothes.

Don’t hasten to put another to shame except you are blameless.


2 kings 9:30.

When Jezebel, the queen, heard that Jehu had come…she painted her eyelids and fixed her hair and sat at the window.

Jezebel was wrong this time.Jehu killed her.

Don’t deal with every situation the same way. Some challenges and emergencies need more than physical re-packaging. Take root inside to fight what is inside. Many are like Jezebel when a situation has gone crazy, when there is fire in the well, they run to the spa houses, theaters, movies, food and clothes. They run to the cosmetic houses. Instead seek deliverance and inner stability.


Rev 12:2

She was pregnant and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.

Every labor is painful

Every birth is heart wrenching

Every new thing is body tasking.

As long as that THING is going to come out of you with the intention that it’s going to bless humanity. It’s going to be painful.


Eccl 5:7

Talk is cheap…

Action is better.

Do more.

Think first

Talk is good but does it really achieve?

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