Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Star Woman

I am not a product
Of my skin
I’m not equivalent
To my size
I’m not qualified
because of my strength
I’m not capable
cos of my fame
I’m not special
cos of my background
I am me
I am my mindset
I am my beliefs
I am my habits
I am my choices.
Exceptional Woman

She’s beyond words
She’s the unknown giant
She makes marks
She is a way
She is an anchor
She is a force
She is a mind
She is different
She’s an exceptional woman
Star Helper
She walked
She saw
Saw tears
Felt sorrow
She helped and left
But she returned…
Knowing a help was not enough
She gave herself
To a course-beyond expression
To be a path, a light
And a touch
She stayed
She taught
She freed them
They became confident
For they too
Can offer their lives
They stepped out
And became conquerors
They smiled
she waved
she is a star helper.

You will still laugh

You will still laugh

Never mind the troubles

Don’t settle with the stress

Relax within yourself

You will soon laugh.

Troubles aren’t forever

Pain is not your birthmark

Tears are not your portion

Be ready to laugh

Not carelessly

Not a half measured laugh

Not a lonely laugh

Not a laugh of/unto madness

It’s a laugh of joy

With destiny.

Be ready

Be set

Because you are laughing



Destiny isn’t a marketplace

Where you go shopping or

Doing what you like. You are not into destiny, destiny is into you. Don’t go feeling cool thinking you are doing destiny a favor by hanging around with her. You better be glad cos you’ve got a destiny that is livable and lively with a purpose.

Destiny isn’t a school

Where you get to pick the

Course you want to take and the subject you don’t want. With destiny all courses are relevant, important and life saving. The courses might not look attractive. That’s not destiny’s business. She is not into attraction or flashy lifestyles. She is so down to earth; she has become an immovable rock. You’ve got to do all courses!

Destiny is not a group.

She is one. doing her thing. enjoying her believes

You move with the crowd, you end like the rest. Destiny did not call you with the others. Only you have been chosen for this race and only you got to run it. Whether you get encouragement or insults, you‘ve got to run and run with clarity, clearheadedness and too much tenacity. It’s not a crowd business. Or a crowd confirmatory class. It’s a one man, one life, and one result project.